Yurtiçi Kargo Kargom Kayıp

Türkiye'de gördüğüm en *** şirket. İstanbul'dan arkadaşım bana iki adet iPhone 14 Pro max gönderdi. Kaybettiklerinden bu yana iki ay geçti. Para ya da yeni bir iPhone istedim; bunun için ödeme yapmadılar veya bana yeni bir iPhone almadılar. Bir kere avukatımı aradılar ve 60.000 lira ödeyebileceğimizi söylediler, benim telefonlarım ise 100.000 liradan fazla. Numaram +90 553 854 ***, Yurtiçi Kargo şikayet numaram 2273***. Lütfen bana yardım edin, hakkımı alana kadar bu canavar şirketten ayrılmayacağım.


This is might the worst company ı have ever faced on the earth. My friend from İstanbul who sent me two iPhone 14 Pro max has been lost for 2 months. I called customer service they did not even give shit about my shipment. First, they asked me to GO to İstanbul and fill out a complaint form just to start an Investigation. Even though ı was not in İstanbul at ALL, but anyway, ı found a form and filled it out asking for two iPhone 14 Pro max or its Money back. They told me don't worry at ALL ve will pay you the Money asap. I wait for One month and they called me and just asked for a receipt. I told them it was a gift and ı don't have any receipts to provide. They told me you have to find a receipt otherwise ve won't pay me anything. Anyway, after days of looking, ı could finally find out my ıphones receipt and it's IMEI number they asked for. It took two more weeks for another call, asking to bargain about the price even though ı provided them with the receipt they are not paying ALL the Money but just 60% of it and it's been One-week ı am waiting no *** nothing no call no Money no iphones. I lost around 100.000 Turkish Lira. I also told them ı don't want Money just GET me two new iPhone 14 Pro Max. I will not accept this unfair injustice decision ı will sue the company ı have talked to my lawyer ı will keep going until ı GET my right. Please guys share these comments with others to avoid and not become a victim of this Monster Turkish Company Yurtiçi Kargo. My Phone number is: 05538548540 My complaint Number in Yurt ici kargo is: 2273859 ı would be glad if anybody can help me out with it, and if you were the victim of this company like me please contact me so we can ask for our rights.


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